The Genetic x Environmental Interaction for Resistance of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum

Abstract. Appearance of a plant is determined by genetic factors, environmental factors and interactions between them. The genetic x environment interactions become an important concern for breeders, in addition to genetic factors. Purpose of this study was to examine the genetic x environment interactions for resistance of pepper to anthracnose. Materials used were 16 hybrids that were planted at three locations. Complete randomized block design (RCBD) was used with three replications. Replicates nested within location. Twenty of hot pepper that has been worn but is still green from each replication was inoculated with C. acutatum, PYK 04 isolate. Disease incidence was observed five days after inoculation. The results showed that the genotype x location interaction was significant different to resistance resistance caused by Colletotrichum acutatum PYK 04 isolate. Pepper genotypes stable in anthracnose resistant character in three selection environments was IPB CH3, IPB CH6, and IPB CH25. The genotypes were suitable for selection environment Ciherang, Leuwikopo and Tajur. Genotype IPB CH50 and IPB CH51 were suitable for selection environment Tajur. Imperial genotypes was suitable for the environment selection Ciherang. IPB CH5 and IPB CH4 CH5 were suitable for Lewikopo environment.

Keywords:genetic x environmental interaction, anthracnose, resistance, pepper, Colletotrichum acutatum


Relationships among Papaya Genotypes Based on Morphological and Fruit Characters

Abstract. A study was conducted to determine the variation and relationships among  papaya genotypes based on morphological  and fruit characteristics  in order to produce  high quality papaya fruits. Fruit characterization study is very useful for  genotype improvement and genotype classifi cation of papaya. In this study the morphological characters of 36 genotypes were  analyzed to determine their phenotypic variabilities.  The relationships between genotypes based on all of the morphological  and fruit characteristics were tested by subjecting the data to multivariate principal component analysis and to cluster analysis. Based on the dendrogram generated from vegetative and generative characters, the 36 genotypes could be grouped into 11 clusters on a threshold of 1.6 and formed 6 clusters on a threshold of 1.8.  The dendrogram was able to explain the  close relationship between IPB 5 x IPB 1 and IPB 5 x IPB 4, IPB 2 and IPB 7, IPB 1 and IPB 3 genotype. The scattered  diagram of generative variable divided the papaya genotypes into three groups based on fruit sizes i.e small group (IPB 1, IPB 3, IPB 4, IPB 3 x IPB 4, IPB 1 x IPB 9), medium group (IPB 5, IPB 7, IPB 8, IPB 9) and big group (IPB 2, IPB 10). The IPB 1, IPB 3 and IPB 4 were different from IPB 2 in fruit shapes, petal length of male fl owers, infl orescence size and  fruit length. The hybrid plants obtained from crossings with IPB 10 were different from the other genotypes in the colours of female-, hermaphrodite-, and male fl ower-lobes. Subsequently the scatter diagrams also revealed that several genotypes i.e. IPB 2 x IPB 6, IPB 1 x IPB 5,  IPB 1 x IPB 9, IPB 5 x IPB 1 and IPB 5 x IPB 2 had superior characters  ideotype similar to IPB 1, IPB 3 and IPB 8 genotypes.

Keywords: Carica papaya, hermaphrodite, female, dendrogram, scatter diagram, ideotype


Evaluation of Fruit Characters, Xanthones Content, and Antioxidant Properties of Various Qualities of Mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana L.)

Abstract. Xanthone in mangosteen fruit hull has antioxidant activities. The objective of this experiment was to determine xanthones content, physical and chemical characters, and antioxidant potentials of several groups of mangosteens qualities. The experiment was carried out from January 2008 to August 2008. The research used a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were four physical fruit conditions: large size mangosteens (# 100 g), small size mangosteens (min. 50 g), yellow sap dotted fruits, and scabbed fruit. The parameters being observed were physical and chemical characteristics, xanthone content, and radical scavenging activity of mangosteen fruit hull extract. The results demonstrated that the physical condition of fruit signifi cantly affected physical fruit hull characters and chemical fruit characters. Characters of fruit hull, thickness, fresh weight, and dry weight, differed among fruit qualities. The physical condition of fruit hull also signifi cantly infl uenced total soluble solid and vitamin C content, but did not affect total titrable acid and degree of acidity of the fruits. Fruit hulls of all groups of mangosteen qualities had similar antioxidant properties with the IC50 value of 5.57-6.11 ppm.

Keywords: benzophenone, scab, vitamin C, yellow sap


Pengembangan Pepaya

Pengembangan Varietas Pepaya Baru dalam Rangka Peningkatan Dayasaing Produk Hortikultura Indonesia

Pepaya hasil penelitian Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika (PKHT) IPB sejak tahun 2000 yaitu Varietas Arum Bogor, Prima Bogor, Carisya, Sukma dan Callina. Penelitian bertujuan menghasilkan varietas baru pepaya, mengembangkan standar operasi prosedur (SOP) budidaya varietas baru, memperoleh metode penyimpanan plasma nutfah/benih dalam waktu jangka panjang, dan proses penyediaan benih untuk persiapan diseminasi. Tahap kegiatan meliputi penyimpanan plasma nutfah/benih dalam jangka waktu yang panjang melalui kegiatan kultur jaringan, pembentukan pohon induk, pengujian kebenaran dan keunggulan varietas, pengembangan teknik budidaya dan produksi benihnya serta diseminasi benih. Tipe pepaya yang akan dihasilkan adalah tipe kecil, rasa manis dan memiliki daya simpan tinggi, sehingga memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi.

 Eksplorasi dilakukan ke Pontianak Kalimantan Barat melalui BPTP Kalimantan Barat. Pepaya hasil eksplorasi di Pontianak dan sekitarnya menunjukan adanya variasi dalam bentuk, ukuran, warna daging buah, dan bentuk rongga buah.

Pepaya Caliso di Kebun Percobaan Pasir Kuda ditanam sejak tanggal 8 Oktober 2014, dengan jumlah populasi awal 72 tanaman, sedangkan di Kebun Percobaan Tajur populasi Caliso sebanyak 63 tanaman yang ditanam pada tanggal 8 September 2014. Benih pepaya Caliso berasal dari Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Tinggi tanaman pada umur 8 bulan setelah tanam rata-rata mencapai 176.71 cm dan 143.27 cm, sedangkan jumlah buah pada tanaman hermaprodit untuk kedua kebun tidak berbeda. Karakter tanaman betina pun menunjukan karakter yang tidak jauh berbeda, hanya saja jumlah pepaya betina di Kebun Tajur lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan hermaprodit.

Keragaan tanaman betina (A), tanaman hermaprodit (B), daun (C), tangkai daun (D), batang (E), bunga betina (F), bunga hermaprodit (G), buah betina (H) dan buah hermaprodit (I).

Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Papaya at Different Maturity Stages

Abstract. The objective of the experiment was to investigate the physical and chemical characteristics of three stadia of maturity based on a range of peel color from green to yellow or based on percentage of the yellow area of fruit peel (stadium 1 = 25-49 % yellow, stadium 2 = 50-74 % yellow, and stadium 3 = above 75 % yellow) on six genotypes of papaya. Each genotype exhibited different days to maturity for each stadium. The fruits of stadium 1, 2 and 3 for IPB 1 were picked at 130, 135, and 140 days after anthesis (DAA); IPB 10A at 160, 165, and 170 DAA; IPB 1 x PB 174 at 135, 140 and 145 DAA; while PB 174, IPB 1 x IPB 10A and IPB 10A x PB 174 were picked at 140, 145 and 150 DAA, respectively. The results indicated that peel firmness was affected by maturity stage on female fruit of IPB 10A. Maturity stage affected chemical characteristics of papaya included total soluble solids (TSS) content (IPB 10A, female fruit of PB 174, female fruit of IPB 1 x IPB 10A, and female fruit of IPB 1 x PB 174), vitamin C content (hermaphrodite fruit of 10 A, female fruit of IPB 1 x IPB 10A) and juice pH (hermaphrodite fruit of IPB 1). IPB 1 genotype can be harvested at all stadia of maturity stage. Hermaphrodite and female fruit of IPB 10 A, female fruit of PB 174, female fruit of IPB 1 x IPB 10A and female fruit of IPB 1 x PB 174 genotype would be better harvested at stadium 3 of maturity stage.

Keywords: Carica papaya, papaya genotype, hermaphrodite fruit, female fruit, fruit quality, fruit maturity stage


Response of Eggplant, Yard-Long Bean, and Kangkong on Polyethylene Mulched and Drip Irrigation System

Abstract. Eggplant, yard long bean, and kangkong, were grown with polyethylene mulch with a drip irrigation system on Podzolic soil with low pH (4.5), low C-Organic (0.97%), very low total-N (0.17 %), low K content (0.15 me (100 g)-1), but had a high soil P2O5 concentration (13.7 ppm) to evaluate the best crop management practices under this soil condition. Combination of polyethylene mulch treatments (with and without), fertilizer (with and without), number of irrigation lines (0, 1, and 2 lines), and methods of fertilizer applications (preplant, split, and drip) were arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design with four replications. The results showed that the use of mulch and fertilizer signifi cantly increased yield of all crops. One line irrigation system also resulted in the best yield. Preplanting application of 100% P, 50% N and K in addition to 50% N and K applied 10 times weekly was the best methods to produce Eggplant, Yard Long Bean, Kangkong under polyethylene mulched and drip irrigation system.

Keywords: Solanum melongena L, fertilization, fertigation, Ipomoea reptans L, micro-irrigation, polyethylene-mulched, Vigna unguilata L.
