Penulisan Terindeks Scopus 2020


Nama PenulisJudul PublikasiNama JurnalVolumeHal
1Heri Harti, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Sobir, Suryo WiyonoDetection of major viruses infecting shallot and molecular characterization of onion yellow dwarf virus from several locations in IndonesiaBiodiversitasVolume 21 Number 41697-1701
2Zulfikar Damaralam Sahid, Muhamad Syukur, Awang MaharijayaDiversity of capsaicin content, quantitative, and yield components in chili (Capsicum annuum) genotypes and their F1 hybridBiodiversitasVolume 21, Number 52251-2257
3Janson Calvindi, Muhamad Syukur, Waras NurcholisInvestigation of biochemical characters and antioxidant properties of different winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) genotypes grown in IndonesiaBiodiversitasVolume 21 Number 62420-2424
4Listihani, Tri Asmira Damayanti, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Suryo WiyonoFirst report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus on cucumber in Java, IndonesiaJournal of General Plant PathologyVolume 86, Issue 3
5Ali Khumaidi, Heru Sukoco, Y. Aris Purwanto, Avip KurniawanDesign of Warehouse Management System for Fresh Product in Supply Chain NetworkInternational Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and EngineeringVolume 9 Number 1308-314
6F Harahap, E Djulia, D Purnama, Nusyirwan, V Altio, S Rahayu, Rosmayati, R Poerwanto, R F M HasibuanPineapple callus induction from Sipahutar North Sumatera Indonesia (Ananas comosus L.) with bud as souce explantJournal of Physics : Conference Series. 1462 012008The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education. IOP Conf. Series : Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1462 (2020) 012008Page : 1-8
7A Daryanto, P Hidayat, A Maharijaya, M SyukurHeterosis of seedling traits and their correlation to aphids infestation in chili pepperIOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental ScienceThe 3rd International Conference on Biosciences, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 (2020) 012057Page : 1-8
8Murtiningrum, P Suryadarma, A Suryani and D ManguwidjayaDetermination of ultrafiltration resistance using series resistance model in inulin purification from red fruit (Pandanus conoideus L.) pedicel extractIOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental ScienceIOP Conf. Series: Earth Environ.Sci. 443 012086 
9HP Sari, D Efendi, WB Suwarno and DD MatraMining and characterization of genomic-based microsatellite markers in duku (Lansium domesticum)IOP Conf. Ser. : Earth Environ. Sci. 457 012083The 3rd International Conference on Biosciences. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 457 (2020) 012083Page : 1-5
10N Rizkia and S WiyonoThe effectiveness of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from Gunung Ciremai National Park forest to control alternaria blight disease of tomatoIOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental ScienceSoutheast Asia Plant Protection Conference. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468(2020) 012039Page : 1-7
11R.C. Shandra, Y.A. Purwanto, Sobir, Sulassih, N. Naibaho, Nurmalia and M.I. SaputraEffect of storage temperature and ultrafine bubbles water treatment on the breaking dormancy of garlic bulbIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 542 (2020) 012024 Page : 1-10
12B H Kusumo, A Purwanto, H Idris, S Sukartono, L E Susilowati and B BustanSoil organic matter in various land uses and management, and its accuracy measurement using near infrared technologyIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 032079 Page : 1-7
13E S Ulina, A Rizali, S Manuwoto, Pudjianto and D BuchoriDistance of agricultural land from natural habitat affects the functional trait diversity and species diversity but not abundance of Hymenoptera parasitesIOP Conf. Series: Earth Environ. Sci.458 012045Second International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture               IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 458 (2020) 012045Halaman : 1-10
14Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Sobir Ridwani, Sastia Prama Putri and Eiichiro FukusakiGC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling to Monitor Ripening-Specific Metabolites in Pineapple (Ananas comusus)MetabolitesVolume 10 No 134Page : 1-15
15T A Damayanti, I Sholihah, Listihani, S H Hidayat and S WiyonoNew natural host of Tobacco mosaic virus on three cucurbits in Java,IndonesiaIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012034Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019Page : 1-7
16N Rizkia and S WiyonoThe effectiveness of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from Gunung Ciremai National Park forest to control alternaria blight disease of tomatoIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012039Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019Page : 1-7

Penulisan Terindeks Scopus 2019

No Judul Nama Penulis Nama Jurnal
1. The Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Shallots (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) in Indonesia Based on R Gene-Derived Markers Lina Herlina, Reflinur, Sobir, Awang Maharijaya, Suryo Wiyono Biodiversitas

Volume : 20

Number : 3

Page : 696-703

2. Phenolic and Flavonoid Content in Ethanol Extract and Agromorphological diversity of Curcuma aeruginosa Accessions Growing in West Java, Indonesia Nurul Khumaida, Muhamad Syukur, Maria Bintang, Waras Nurcholis Biodiversitas

Volume : 20

Number : 3

Pages : 656-663

3. Variability of Agronomic Characters Related to Resistance to Stem Canker (Phytophthora palmivora) on Duku (Lansium domesticum) along Batanghari River, Sumatra, Indonesia Islah Hayati, Suryo Wiyono, Wododo, Sobir Biodoversitas

Volume : 20

Number : 4

Pages : 1127-1132

4. Diagnosis Of Dieback Disease Of The Nutmeg Tree in Aceh Selatan Susanna Hasan, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Suryo Wiyono, Hermanu Triwidodo Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST)

Volume : 17

ISSN : 2228-835X

5. Diversity And Inheritance in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) on Protein And Yield Components Characters Indah Purnamasari, Sobir, Muhamad Syukur Biodiversitas

ISSN : 1412-033X

E-ISSN : 2085-4722

6. Agronomical and Psysiological Characters of Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix DC) Seedling Under Artificial Shading and Pruning Rahmat Budiarto, Roedhy Poerwanto, Edi Santosa, Darda Efendi, Andria Agusta Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture

Volume 31 No 3

Page : 222-230

7. Epistatic Gene Control On The Yield of Tomato at Medium Elevation in The Tropical Agroecosystem Fajar Prakoso Mawasid, Muhamad Syukur, Trikoesoemaningtyas Biodiversitas

Volume 20 No 20

Page : 1880-1886

8. Effect of Immersion Time in PVS2 and Mesotesta Removing on Cryopreservation of Papaya (Carica papaya L. ‘Sukma’) Seeds Darda Efendi, MR Suhartant, BS Purwoko and D. Hervani Acta Horticulturae

No 1234

Page : 167-174

ISSN : 0567-7572

9. Effect oWashing Materials and Storage Temperature on the Quality of Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica) CV. Gedong R Yunita, Poerwanto R, Wiyono S IOP Conf.Series: Journal of Physics : Conf. Series 1179 (2019) 012180
10. Inheritance of Radial Fruit Cracking Resistance in Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Mustafa, M., Syukur, M., Sutjahjo, S.H., Sobir IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
11. Effect of low temperature and period of storage on the quality of Garlic Seeds (Allium sativum L) Nurmalia, N., Purwanto, Y.A., Sobir, S., Sulassih, S., Naibaho, N. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
12. Isolation and Characterization of cDNA Clones Encoding a Novel Subfamily Sporamin B in Sweet Potato Jollanda Effendy, Don R. Labonte and Darda Efendi Biodiversitas

Volume 20, Number 10

Page : 3033-3041

13 Characteristic of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Isolated From Cucumber and Tobacco Collected From East Java, Indonesia Listihani, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Suryo Wiyono, Tri Asmira Damayanti Biodiversitas

Volume 20, Number 10

Page : 2937 – 2942

14 Dataset from de novo transcriptome assembly of Nephelium lappaceum aril Deden Derajat Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Aziz Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso Drajad Widodo Eiichi Inoue Data in Brief

Volume : 22

Page : 566-569

15 Dataset of the first de novo transcriptome assembly of the arillode of Baccaurea motleyana Deden Derajat Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Azis Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso Drajad Widodo, Eiichi Inoue Data in Brief

Volume : 22

Page : 332-335

16 Datasets for genome assembly of six underutilized Indonesian fruits Deden Derajad Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Azis Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Ulfah Juniarti Siregar, Winarso Drajad Widodo, Eiichi Inoue Data in Brief

Volume : 22

Page : 960 – 963

17 Genetic variation in phytochemicals in leaves of pepper (Capsicum) in relation to thrips resistance Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman, Koen Pelgrom, Yuni Wahyuni, Ric C. H. De Vos, Roeland E. Voorrips Arthropod-Plant Interactions

Volume : 13

Page : 1-9

18 Metabolomics Dataset of Underutilized Indonesia Fruits; Rambai (Baccaurea motleyana), Nangkadak (Artocarpus nangkadak), Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) and Sidempuan Salak (Salacca sumatrana) using GCMS and LCMS Hafidz R. Halim, Dhika P. Hapsari, Ahmaf Junaedi, Arya W. Ritonga, Aziz Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso D.Widodo, Deden Drajat Marta Data in Brief

Volume 23

19 Combined Fluorescence-Transmittance Imaging System for Geographical Authentication of Patchouli Oil Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Slamet Widodo, Y. Aris Purwanto, Naoshi Kondo Spectrochimia Acta Part A

Volume : 218, Pages 155-160

20 Comparative transcriptome analysis of transculent flesh disorder in mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruits in response to different water regimes Deden Derajat Matra, Toshinori Kozaki, Kazou Ishii, Roedhy Poerwanto, Eiichi Inoue Plos One

Volume : 14 Number : 7

Page : 1-20

21 Secondary Metabolites Change Under Vernalization and Its Relation to Flowering  Competency in Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) M. Marlin, A. Maharijaya, A. Purwito and S. Sobir Rasayan J. Chem

Volume : 12

Number : 3

Page : 1418-1425

Publikasi Nasional 2020

No Nama Penulis Judul Publikasi Nama Jurnal
1 Nani Yulianti, Edi Santosa, Anas Dinurrohman Susila Panen Pucuk dan Buah pada Tanaman Leunca (Solanum nigrum L.) yang Dipupuk dengan Dosis Nitrogen Berbeda Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 25, No 1, 52-59
2 Arif Romdoni, Suwarto, Awang Maharijaya dan Titiek Siti Yuliani Pengaruh Penggantian Pupuk Anorganik dengan Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi dan Daya Simpan pada Umbi Bawang Merah Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Sinta 2) Volume 47 No 3 283-290
3 Dyra Haryanti, Darda Efendi dan Sobir Keragaman Morfologi dan Komponen Hasil Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) di Dataran Tinggi dan Dataran Rendah Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Sinta 2) Volume 47 No 3, Desember 2019 (Published 14 Januari 2020)    ISSN : 2085-2916 e-ISSN : 2337-3652, 291-298
4 Yusnita Sari, Sobir, Muhamad Syukur dan Diny Dinarti Induksi Poliploid TSS (True Shallot Seed) Bawang Merah Varietas Trisula menggunakan Kolkisin Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2) Volume 10 No 3, 145-153
5 Ria Rif’atunidaudina, Sobir dan Awang Maharijaya Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Genetik Sayuran Polong Potensial di Indonesia berdasarkan Penanda Molekuler ISSR Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 10 No 3, 161-172
6 Endang Gunawan, Anas D. Susila, Atang Sutandi dan Edi Santosa Penetapan Metode Ekstraksi Kalium Terbaik untuk Tanaman Tomat (Solanum lcopersicum L.) pada Tanah Andisol Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2) Volume 10 No 3, 173-181
7 Dian Fahrianty, Roedhy Poerwanto, Winarso Drajad Widodo, Endah Retno Palupi Peningkatan Pembungaan dan Hasil Biji Bawang Merah Varietas Bima melalui Vernalisasi dan Aplikasi GA3 Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 25 No 2,245-252
8 Putri Mian Hairani, Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto, Eny Widajati Penyimpanan Mahkota Nanas dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh pada Pertumbuhan Setek Basal Daun Asal Mahkota Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 25 No 2, 278-283
9 Sandro Pangidoan Siahaan, Y. Aris Purwanto Transportasi dan Penyimpanan Curah pada Cabai Keriting Segar Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem (Sinta 4), Volume 8 No 1, 57-68
10 Hermanu Triwidodo, Suryo Wiyono, Phor Bho Ayuwati Teknik Pembibitan dan Organisme Pengganggu Bibit Durian Menoreh Kuning di Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kulon Progo Agrovigor, Jurnal Agroekoteknologi (Sinta 3), Volume 13 No 1, 43-50
11 Ita Aprilia, Awang Maharijaya, Sobir, Suryo Wiyono Keragaman Genetik dan Ketahanan terhadap Penyakit Layu Fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cepae) Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum) Indonesia Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 11 No 1, 32-40
12 Dhika Prita Hapsari, Roedhy Poerwanto, Didy Sopandie, Edi Santosa, Deden Derajat Matra Perubahan Morfofisiologi Bibit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) terhadap Pemberian Polietilina Glikol (PEG) Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2) Volume 11 No 1, 1-12
13 Resa Sri Rahayu, Roedhy Poerwanto, Darda Efendi, Winarso Drajad Widodo Cekaman Kekeringan Berat Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Induksi Bunga Jeruk Keprok Madura Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 11 No 1, 13-23
14 Indarti Puji Lestari, Anas D. Susila, Atang Sutandi, Dedi Nursyamsi Studi Korelasi Kalium pada Tanah Ultisol untuk Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 11 No 1, 41-50
15 Erviana Eka Pratiwi, Diny Dinarti, Awang Maharijaya Keragaman Genetik Bawang Merah (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) Berdasarkan Marka Morfologi dan Molekuler Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 11 No 1, 51-60
16 Mira Humaira, Agus Purwito, Sudarsono dan Dewi Sukma Multiplikasi Tunas In Vitro Anggrek Phalaenopsis dan Analisis Keragaman Genetik dengan Marka SNAP Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 47 No 3                   ISSN : 2085-2916             e-ISSN : 2337-3652
17 Maryati Sari, Satriyas Ilyas, M. Rahmad Suhartanto dan Abdul Qadir Perubahan Perilaku Dormansi Selama Proses Desikasi pada Benih Kacang Bambara (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc.) Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Sinta 2), Volume 48 No 1 aPRIL 2020                                    ISSN : 2085-2916              e-ISSN : 2337-3652, 37-43
18 Wawan Setiawan, Suryo Wiyono, Efi Toding Tondok, Atit Kanti, & I Made Sudiana In Vitro Study of Action Mode of Rhodotorula minuta Dmg 16 BEP as Biocontrol Agents on Alternaria solani Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2020; ISSN 1410-1637 (print), ISSN 2548-4788 (online), 28–33


Publikasi Internasional 2020

No Nama Penulis Judul Publikasi Nama Jurnal
1 Heri Harti, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Sobir, Suryo Wiyono Detection of major viruses infecting shallot and molecular characterization of onion yellow dwarf virus from several locations in Indonesia Biodiversitas

Volume 21 Number 4


2 Zulfikar Damaralam Sahid, Muhamad Syukur, Awang Maharijaya Diversity of capsaicin content, quantitative, and yield components in chili (Capsicum annuum) genotypes and their F1 hybrid Biodiversitas

Volume 21, Number 5


3 Janson Calvindi, Muhamad Syukur, Waras Nurcholis Investigation of biochemical characters and antioxidant properties of different winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) genotypes grown in Indonesia Biodiversitas

Volume 21 Number 6


4 Listihani, Tri Asmira Damayanti, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Suryo Wiyono First report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus on cucumber in Java, Indonesia Journal of General Plant Pathology

Volume 86, Issue 3

5 Ali Khumaidi, Heru Sukoco, Y. Aris Purwanto, Avip Kurniawan Design of Warehouse Management System for Fresh Product in Supply Chain Network International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering

Volume 9 Number 1


6 F Harahap, E Djulia, D Purnama, Nusyirwan, V Altio, S Rahayu, Rosmayati, R Poerwanto, R F M Hasibuan Pineapple callus induction from Sipahutar North Sumatera Indonesia (Ananas comosus L.) with bud as souce explant Journal of Physics : Conference Series. 1462 012008

Page : 1-8

7 A Daryanto, P Hidayat, A Maharijaya, M Syukur Heterosis of seedling traits and their correlation to aphids infestation in chili pepper IOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental Science

Page : 1-8

8 Murtiningrum, P Suryadarma, A Suryani and D Manguwidjaya Determination of ultrafiltration resistance using series resistance model in inulin purification from red fruit (Pandanus conoideus L.) pedicel extract IOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental Science
9 HP Sari, D Efendi, WB Suwarno and DD Matra Mining and characterization of genomic-based microsatellite markers in duku (Lansium domesticum) IOP Conf. Ser. : Earth Environ. Sci. 457 012083

Page : 1-5

10 N Rizkia and S Wiyono The effectiveness of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from Gunung Ciremai National Park forest to control alternaria blight disease of tomato IOP Conf. Series : Earth and Environmental Science

Page : 1-7

11 R.C. Shandra, Y.A. Purwanto, Sobir, Sulassih, N. Naibaho, Nurmalia and M.I. Saputra Effect of storage temperature and ultrafine bubbles water treatment on the breaking dormancy of garlic bulb IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 542 (2020) 012024

Page : 1-10

12 B H Kusumo, A Purwanto, H Idris, S Sukartono, L E Susilowati and B Bustan Soil organic matter in various land uses and management, and its accuracy measurement using near infrared technology IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 032079

Page : 1-7

13 E S Ulina, A Rizali, S Manuwoto, Pudjianto and D Buchori Distance of agricultural land from natural habitat affects the functional trait diversity and species diversity but not abundance of Hymenoptera parasites IOP Conf. Series: Earth Environ. Sci.458 012045

Halaman : 1-10

14 Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Sobir Ridwani, Sastia Prama Putri and Eiichiro Fukusaki GC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling to Monitor Ripening-Specific Metabolites in Pineapple (Ananas comusus) Metabolites

Volume 10 No 134

Page : 1-15

15 T A Damayanti, I Sholihah, Listihani, S H Hidayat and S Wiyono New natural host of Tobacco mosaic virus on three cucurbits in Java,Indonesia IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012034

Page : 1-7

16 N Rizkia and S Wiyono The effectiveness of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from Gunung Ciremai National Park forest to control alternaria blight disease of tomato IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012039

Page : 1-7

Publikasi Internasional 2019


Nama Penulis
Nama Jurnal
The Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Shallots (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) in Indonesia Based on R Gene-Derived Markers
Lina Herlina, Reflinur, Sobir, Awang Maharijaya, Suryo Wiyono
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Page : 696-703
ISSN : 1412-33X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Phenolic and Flavonoid Content in Ethanol Extract and Agromorphological diversity of Curcuma aeruginosa Accessions Growing in West Java, Indonesia
Nurul Khumaida, Muhamad Syukur, Maria Bintang, Waras Nurcholis
Volume : 20
Number : 3
Pages : 656-663
ISSN : 1412-33X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Variability of Agronomic Characters Related to Resistance to Stem Canker (Phytophthora palmivora) on Duku (Lansium domesticum) along Batanghari River, Sumatra, Indonesia
Islah Hayati, Suryo Wiyono, Wododo, Sobir
Volume : 20
Number : 4
Pages : 1127-1132
ISSN : 1412-33X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Diagnosis Of Dieback Disease Of The Nutmeg Tree in Aceh Selatan
Susanna Hasan, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Suryo Wiyono, Hermanu Triwidodo
Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST)
Volume : 17
ISSN : 2228-835X
Diversity And Inheritance in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) on Protein And Yield Components Characters
Indah Purnamasari, Sobir, Muhamad Syukur
ISSN : 1412-033X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Agronomical and Psysiological Characters of Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix DC) Seedling Under Artificial Shading and Pruning
Rahmat Budiarto, Roedhy Poerwanto, Edi Santosa, Darda Efendi, Andria Agusta
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
Volume 31 No 3
Page : 222-230
pISSN : 2079-052X
eISSN : 2079-0538
Epistatic Gene Control On The Yield of Tomato at Medium Elevation in The Tropical Agroecosystem
Fajar Prakoso Mawasid, Muhamad Syukur, Trikoesoemaningtyas
Volume 20 No 20
Page : 1880-1886
ISSN : 1412-033X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Effect of Immersion Time in PVS2 and Mesotesta Removing on Cryopreservation of Papaya (Carica papaya L. ‘Sukma’) Seeds
Darda Efendi, MR Suhartant, BS Purwoko and D. Hervani
Acta Horticulturae
No 1234
Page : 167-174
ISSN : 0567-7572
(blm ada pdf)
Effect oWashing Materials and Storage Temperature on the Quality of Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica) CV. Gedong
R Yunita, Poerwanto R, Wiyono S
Journal of Physics : Conference Series
IOP Conf.Series: Journal of Physics : Conf. Series 1179 (2019) 012180
Inheritance of Radial Fruit Cracking Resistance in Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Mustafa, M., Syukur, M., Sutjahjo, S.H., Sobir
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of low temperature and period of storage on the quality of Garlic Seeds (Allium sativum L)
Nurmalia, N., Purwanto, Y.A., Sobir, S., Sulassih, S., Naibaho, N.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Isolation and Characterization of cDNA Clones Encoding a Novel Subfamily Sporamin B in Sweet Potato
Jollanda Effendy, Don R. Labonte and Darda Efendi
Volume 20, Number 10
Page : 3033-3041
ISSN : 1412-033X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Characteristic of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Isolated From Cucumber and Tobacco Collected From East Java, Indonesia
Listihani, Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat, Suryo Wiyono, Tri Asmira Damayanti
Volume 20, Number 10
Page : 2937 – 2942
ISSN : 1412-033X
E-ISSN : 2085-4722
Dataset from de novo transcriptome assembly of Nephelium lappaceum aril
Deden Derajat Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Aziz Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso Drajad Widodo Eiichi Inoue
Data in Brief
Volume : 22
Page : 566-569
Dataset of the first de novo transcriptome assembly of the arillode of Baccaurea motleyana
Deden Derajat Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Azis Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso Drajad Widodo, Eiichi Inoue
Data in Brief
Volume : 22
Page : 332-335
Datasets for genome assembly of six underutilized Indonesian fruits
Deden Derajad Matra, Arya Widura Ritonga, Azis Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Ulfah Juniarti Siregar, Winarso Drajad Widodo, Eiichi Inoue
Data in Brief
Volume : 22
Page : 960 – 963
Genetic variation in phytochemicals in leaves of pepper (Capsicum) in relation to thrips resistance
Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman, Koen Pelgrom, Yuni Wahyuni, Ric C. H. De Vos, Roeland E. Voorrips
Arthropod-Plant Interactions
Volume : 13
Page : 1-9
Metabolomics Dataset of Underutilized Indonesia Fruits; Rambai (Baccaurea motleyana), Nangkadak (Artocarpus nangkadak), Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) and Sidempuan Salak (Salacca sumatrana) using GCMS and LCMS
Hafidz R. Halim, Dhika P. Hapsari, Ahmaf Junaedi, Arya W. Ritonga, Aziz Natawijaya, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Winarso D.Widodo, Deden Drajat Marta
Data in Brief
Volume 23
Combined Fluorescence-Transmittance Imaging System for Geographical Authentication of Patchouli Oil
Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Slamet Widodo, Y. Aris Purwanto, Naoshi Kondo
Spectrochimia Acta Part A
Volume : 218, Pages 155-160
Comparative transcriptome analysis of transculent flesh disorder in mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruits in response to different water regimes
Deden Derajat Matra, Toshinori Kozaki, Kazou Ishii, Roedhy Poerwanto, Eiichi Inoue
Plos One
Volume : 14 Number : 7
Page : 1-20
Secondary Metabolites Change Under Vernalization and Its Relation to Flowering  Competency in Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum)
M. Marlin, A. Maharijaya, A. Purwito and S. Sobir
Rasayan J. Chem
Volume : 12
Number : 3
Page : 1418-1425

Kerjasama riset Nasional

B1. Kerjasama Riset Tingkat Nasional 

Nama Institusi
Peneliti Utama
Direktorat Perbenihan Hortikultura
Dr. Ir Darda Efendi
Uji DNA Tanaman Hortikultura
13 Februari 2018 – 31 Desember 2018
Universitas IBA Palembang
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Pengembangan Varietas dan Teknologi Sayuran Utama dan Indigenous untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan
5 Februari 2018 – 5 Februari 2019
Universitas Bosowa “45” Makassar
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Pengembangan Varietas dan Teknologi Saturan Utama dan Indigenous untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan
20 Februari 2018-20 Februari 2019
Bank Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sobir
Penelitian Penyebab Kopongnya Umbi Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Musi Rawas
21 Maret 2018 – 30 April 2018
Direktorat Pupuk dan Pestisida, Direktorat Jenderal Prasarana dan Sarana Pertanian
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Pengolahan dan Analisis Data Hasil Survey Kajian Dampak Penggunaan Herbisida Parakuat dan Insektisida Karbosulfan
15 Agustus 2018 – 12 Desember 2018
Kelompok Tani Sidomakmur
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Controling of Spodoptera exigua by non-chemical methods (Pengendalian Spodoptera exigua dengan metode non-kimiawi
Oktober – Desember 2018
Central Horti Agro Mikro Potatoes (CHAMP)
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Perakitan Varietas Kentang Sayur dan Bahan Baku Industri yang Berproduktivitas Tinggi untuk Mendukung Kemandirian Benih Kentang Nasional
2 April 2018 – 2 April 2019
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian
Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, M.Si
Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian (SDGP) Komoditas Hortikultura Tropika
30 Oktober 2018 – 30 Oktober 2021