No | Judul | Nama Penulis | Nama Jurnal |
1. | Interaksi Genotipe x Lingkungan Hasil dan Komponen Hasil 14 Genotipe Tomat di Empat Lingkungan Dataran Rendah | Suprayanti Martia Dewi, Sobir, Muhamad Syukur | Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia |
2. | Seleksi khamir epifit sebagai agens antagonis penyakit antraknosa pada cabai | Sri Hartati, S Wiyono, SH Hidayat, Meity S Sinaga | Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 24, No 3, 2015 |
3. | Genetic Diversity of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Strain Soybean from Several Areas In Indonesia | Tri Asmira Damayanti, S Wiyono | Microbiology Indonesia, Vol 9 No 1, 2015 |
4. | Eksplorasi Fusarium Non Patogen untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Pangkal pada Bawang Merah | Ummi Salamatul Isniah dan Widodo | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, Vol 11 no 1, 2015 |
5. | Organogenesis Bunga Aksis Pisang Bergenom AAB dan ABB (Organogenesis of Floral Axis of AAB and ABB Group Banana) | Lisnandar, D, Fajarudin, A, Efendi, D, dan Roostika, I | Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 25, No 1, 2015 |
6. | Peningkatan Produksi dan Mutu Benih Botani Bawang Merah (True Shallot Seed) Dengan Introduksi Serangga Penyerbuk (Increasing of True Shallot Seed Production and Quality by Pollinator Introduction) | Palupi, ER, Rosliani, R, dan Hilman, Y | Jurnal Hortikultura No. 25 Vol. 1
26-36 |
7. | Perlakuan Air Panas dan Pengaturan Suhu Simpan untuk Mempertahankan Kualitas Buah Mangga (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Gedong [Hot Water Treatment and Storage Temperature Control to Maintain the Quality Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Gedong | Ilmi, NK, Poerwanto, R, dan Sutrisno | Jurnal Hortikultura No. 25 Vol. 1 78-87 |
8. | Precooling Dan Konsentrasi Etilen Dalam Degreening Untuk Membentuk Warna Jingga Kulit Buah Jeruk Siam | Taruna Shafa Arzam, AR, Inanpi Hidayati , Roedhy Poerwanto , Y. Aris Purwanto | Jurnal Hortikultura
Vol 25 No. 3, September |
9. | Pengaruh Durasi Pemaparan Etilen Dan Suhu Degreening Untuk Membentuk Warna Jingga Jeruk Siam Banyuwangi | Ramadhani, N, Purwanto, YA Dan Poerwanto, R | Jurnal Hortikultura |
10. | Mengatasi cemaran getah kuning pada buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana) dengan aplikasi Ca++ dan teknologi Biopori | OF. Kurniadinata, Roedhy Poerwanto, Darda Efendi, Ade Wachjar | Jurnal Hortikultura |
11. | Induksi Perakaran Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) secara in vitro dan ex vitro (Mangosteen Root Induction by In Vitro and Ex Vitro) | Joni, YZ, Efendi D, dan Roostika, I | Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 25 No. 2, 2015 |
12. | Evaluasi Karakteristik Hortikultura Empat Genotipe melon (CUcumis melo L.) Pusat Kjaian Hortikultura Tropika IPB | Wida W Khumaero, Darda Efendi, Willy B Suwarna, dan Sobir | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia 5(1):56-63. April 2014 |
13. | Analisis Keragaman Genetik Manggis dalam Satu Pohon (Analysis of Genetic Diversity of the Mangosteen from Single Plant) | Noorrohmah, S, Sobir, dan Efendi, D | J. Hort. 25(2):106-112, 2015 |
14. | Identifikasi Spesies Cabai Rawit (Capsicum spp.) Berdasarkan Daya Silang dan Karakter Morfologi | Undang, Muhamad Syukur, dan Sobir | J. Agron. Indonesia 43 (2) : 118 – 125 (2015) |
15. | Radiosensitivitas dan Seleksi Mutan Putatif Jeruk Keprok Garut (Citrus reticulata L.) berdasarkan Penanda Morfologi | Karyanti, Agus Purwito, dan Ali Husni | J. Agron. Indonesia 43 (2) : 126 – 132 (2015) |
16. | Karakterisasi Morfologi dan Evaluasi Daya Hasil Sayuran Polong Kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC) (Yield Potential Evaluation and Characterization of Pod Vegetables Winged Bean) | Handayani, T, Kusmana, Liferdi, dan Hidayat, IM | Jurnal Hortikultura No. 25 Vol. 2 126-132 |
17. | Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bawang Merah dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Pupuk Hayati pada Tanah Alluvial (The Growth and Yield of Shallots with Organic Fertilizers and Biofertilizers Application in Alluvial Soil) | Firmansyah, I, Liferdi, Khaririyatun, N, dan Yufdy, MP | Jurnal Hortikultura No. 25 Vol. 2
133-141 |
18. | Pengaruh umur panen rimpang terhadap perubahan fisiologi dan viabilitas benih jahe putih besar selama penyimpanan | M. Rahmad Suhartanto | Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol. 21 No. 1:17-24 Maret 2015 |
19. | Mutu fisiologis rimpang benih jahe putih besar selama penyimpanan dengan pelapisan lilin dan aplikasi paclobutrazol | M. Rahmad Suhartanto | Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Tropika Vol. 26 No. 1 Mei 2015; 25-34 |
20. | Rekomendasi Pemupukan Kalium pada Budidaya Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annuum L) di Inceptisols Dramaga | Anas D Susila dan Amanda Sari Widyanti | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 Agustus 2015; 65-74 |
21. | Penentuan masak fisiologi dan ketahanan benih kenikir (Cosmos caudatus kunth) terhadap Desikasi | Muhammad Abdul Rahman Hakim dan M. Rahmad Suhartanto | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 Agustus 2015; 84-90 |
22. | Pertumbuhan stek batang pohpohan (Pilea trinervia wight.) pada umur tanaman, bagian batang dan media tanam yang berbeda | Nicha Muslimawati, Ketty Suketi dan Anas D Susila | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 Agustus 2015; 91-98 |
23. | Evaluasi Karakter Hortikultura Galur Cabai Hias IPB di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo | Alvianti Yaufa Desita, Dewi Sukma dan Muhammad Syukur | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 Agustus 2015; 116-123 |
24. | Seleksi Toleransi Kekeringan in Vitro terhadap Enam Belas Aksesi Tanaman Terung (Solanuum melongena L.) dengan Polietilena Glikol (PEG) | Erna Sinaga, Megayani Sri Rahayu dan Awang Maharijaya | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2015; 20-28 |
25. | Sumber sebagai Hara Pengganti AB mix pada Budidaya Sayuran daun secara Hidroponik | Rizqi Utami Nugraha dan Anas D Susila | Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2015; 11-19 |
Author Archive: admin
Publikasi Internasional 2012
No. | Judul | Jenis jurnal | Penulis |
1 | Vegetable Agroforestry Systems in Indonesia | World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) | Anas D Susila, Bambang S Purwoko, James M Roshetko, Manuel C Palada, Juang G Kartika, Lia Dahlia, Kusuma Wijaya, etc |
2 | Meteorological conditions of mangosteen orchard in West Java Indonesia and seasonal change in C-N ratio of their leaves as affected by sector and tree age | The scientific report of the Faculty of Agriculture Okayama University | Setiawan, E., R. Poerwanto, N. Kubota. |
3 | Integration Among Regional Vegetables Markets in Indonesia | ISSAAS | M. Firdaus, Irwanto Gunawan |
4 | Genetics Analysis For Resistance To Anthracnose Caused By Colletotrichum Acutatum In Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Using Diallel Crosses | SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics | M. Syukur, Sriani Sujiprihati, Jajah Koswara, Widodo |
5 | The Use of Yeast Antagonist Cryptococcus terreus to Control petal Blight of Dendrobium Caused by Curvularia pallescens | ISSAAS | Suryo Wiyono, Eneng Rina Agustina |
6 | Powder Formulation of Yeast Abtagonist Cryptococcus albidus and Cryptococcus terreus as Biofungicide | BIOTROPIA | Suryo Wiyono dan Widodo
7 | Agronomy, Economic, and Antinutrition of Indigenous Vegetables in West Java, Indonesia | Journal Food and Nutrition | Edi Santosa, Utama Prawati, Sobir, Yoko Mine dan Nobuo Sugiyama |
8 | 3D Visualization of Cell Membrane of Cucumber Fruits Stored at Different Temperature | Y. Aris Purwanto, Seiichi Oshita, Yoshio Makino, Yoshinori Kawagoe | |
9 | Detection of Chilling Injury in Mango Fruits (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Gedong Gincu Stored Under Low Temperature using Ion Leakage as Indicator | Y. Aris Purwanto,
Sutrisno ID. M Subrata, Sugiyono, H. Okvitasari Y. Makino, S. Oshita, Y. Kawagoe, S. Kuroki |
10 | Elucidation Relatinship Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) To its Relatives Based on Moleculer Marker | Genetic resources and crop evolution | Sobir, Sulassih, Edy Santosa |
Publikasi Internasional 2013
No. |
Judul |
Jenis jurnal |
Penulis |
1 |
Metabolomics and molecular marker analysis to explore pepper (Capsicum sp.) biodiversity |
MetabolomicsVolume 9, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 130-144 |
Wahyuni Y, Ballester, A. R., Tikunov Y, de Vos R.C.H, Pelgrom K.T.B, Maharijaya A, Sudarmonowati E, Bino R.J, Bovy A.G |
2 |
Risks and Risks Mitigations in The Supply Chain of Mangosteen : A case Study |
Operations and Supply Chain ManagementVol. 6 No. 1, 2013, pp. 11-25ISSN 1979-35611 EISSN 1979-3871 |
Retno Astuti, Marimin, Machfud, Yandra Arkeman, Roedhy Poerwanto, Miranda P.M. Meuwissen |
3 |
Identification of the terebrantian thrips (insecta, thysanoptera) associated with cultivated plants in Java, Indonesia |
Zookeys 306:1-21 (2013) |
Dewi Sartiami, Laurence A Mound |
4 |
Genetic Mapping of Semi-Polar metabolites in Pepper Fruits (Capsicum sp.) Towards Unraveling The Molecular Regulation of Flavonoid QTLs |
Jurnal Molecular Breeding (Springer, impact factor 3,25)MOLB-D-13-00063R2 |
Awang Maharijaya |
5 |
Application of liquid organic fertilizer from city waste on reduce urea application on Chinese mustard (Brassica juncea L) cultivation |
AAB Bioflux, Volume 5 (1) May, 15, 2013 Coverage : ISI Web of Knowledge-Thomson Reuters (via CABI); CAB International-CAB Abstracts (UK); EBSCOhost (Ipswich, USA); DOAJ (Lund University Library) |
Gina A. Sopha, Tinny S. Uhan |
6 |
Effect of dolomite, horse manure and NPK application on plant growth and yield of Cauliflower and its residue effect on Snap bean cultivation |
AAB Bioflux, Volume 5 (2) May, 15, 2013 Coverage : ISI Web of Knowledge-Thomson Reuters (via CABI); CAB International-CAB Abstracts (UK); EBSCOhost (Ipswich, USA); DOAJ (Lund University Library) |
Gina A. Sopha, Sumarni N. |
7 |
Use of Yeast Antagonist Cryptococcus Terreus To Control Petal Blight of Dendrobium Caused by Curvularia Pallescens |
J. ISSASS Vol. 19 No. 1 (4) 41-48 (2013) |
Suryo Wiyono, Eneng Rina Agustina |
8 |
Mangosteen DNA Analysis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) with Molecular Markers afterGamma Ray Irradiation Treatment |
American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 7(2): 37-44, 2013ISSN 1995-0748 |
Fauziyah Harahap, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Roedhy Poerwanto, Nusyirwan, Syarifuddin,Hasruddin |
9 |
Powder Formulation of Antagonistic Yeasts, Cryptococcus Albidus and Cryptococcus Terreus as Biofungicides |
Biotropia Vol. 20 No.1 Tahun 2013 |
Suryo Wiyono, Widodo |
10 |
Phylogenetic mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) to its Relatives Based on Morphological and Molecular Markers (ISSR) |
Sulassih, Sobir, Santosa E |
11 |
Chilling Injury in Green Mature Mango Fruits cv Gedong Gincu Based on The Changes in Ion Leakage |
Acta Horticultura |
Y. Aris Purwanto, H. Okvitasari, Sutrisno, Usman Ahmad |
12 |
Non Destructive Prediction of pH in Mango Fruits cv. Gedong Gincu Using NIR Spectroscopy |
International Journal of Engineering and Science |
Y. Aris Purwanto, Putri Wulandari Zainal, Usman Ahmad |
13 |
The Potential Insects Visiting Banana Flower as Vector Blood Disease on Banana Plant |
Journal of ISSAAS |
Betty Sahetapy, Nina Maryana, Syafrida Manuwoto, Kikin H Mutaqin |
14 |
Genetics Analysis for Resistance to Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum in Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using Diallel Crosses |
Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics |
M. Syukur, Sriani Sujiprihati, Jajah Koswara and Widodo |
15 |
The Analysis of farmer risk behaviour and technology application in Potato Farming in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi |
Journal of Agricultural Economics-Manuscript ID JAE-OA-05-13-0084 |
Nurhapsa, Nunung Kusnadi, Kuntjoro, Muhammad Firdaus |
16 |
QTL mapping of thrips resistance in pepper (Capsicum) in an interspecific cross between C.annuum and C. chinense |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG) |
Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman, Greet Steenhuis-Broers, Koen Pelgrom, Asep Harpenas, Roland Mumm, Ric C. H. de Vos, Agus Purwito, Richard G.F. Visser, and Roeland Voorrips |
17 |
The Effect of Genotypes and Spacing Radius on Percentages of Natural Cross Polination in Chili Pepper |
Arya Widura Ritonga, Muhammad Syukur, Rahmi Yunianti, Sobir |
Publikasi Internasional 2014
No. | Penulis | Judul | Jenis jurnal |
1 | Sulassih, Sobir, Santosa E | Phylogenetic Analysis of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) and its Relatives Based on Morphological and Inter Simple Sequnce Repeat Molecular Markers (ISSR) | SABRAO JOURNAL |
2 | M. Syukur, Sriani Sujiprihati, Jajah Koswara and Widodo | Genetics Analysis for Resistance to Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum in Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using Diallel Crosses | Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics |
3 | Awang Maharijaya | Genetic mapping of semi polar metabolites in pepper fruits (Capsicum sp.) : towards unravelling the molecular regulation of flavonoid quantitative trait loci | Molecular breeding (2014) 33:503-518 |
4 | Gina A Sopha, Winarso D Widodo, Roedhy Poerwanto, Endah R Palupi | Photoperiod and Gibberelins Effect on True Shallot Seed Formation | AAB Bioflux, 2014 Volume 6, Issue 1 |
5 | Usman Ahmad, Sutrisno, Y.Aris Purwanto, Wayan Budiastra, dll. | Prediction of hardness development in mangosteen peel using NIR sprctroscopy during low temperature storage
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food Vol. 7 Issue 2 : 86-90 (April 2014) |
6 | M. Thamrin, Slamet Susanto, Anas D Susila, Dan Atang Sutandi | Correlation Between Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Leaf Nutrient with Fruit Production of Pummelo Citrus (Citrus maxima) | Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 7(3):129-139, 2014 |
7 | Zumaidar, Tatik Chikmawati, Alex Hartana, Sobir, Johanis P Mogea & Finn Borchsenius | Sallacca acehensis (Arecaceae), A New Species form Sumatra, Indonesia | Phytotaxa 159 (4) : 287-290 |
8 | WA. Qosim, R. Poerwanto, GA. Wattimena and Witjaksono | Indirect Organogenesis and Histological Analysis of Garcinia mangsotana L. | Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 12(6-8). 279-284, 2013 |
9 | Y. Aris Purwanto, H. Okvitasari, Sutrisno, Usman Ahmad | Chilling Injury in Green Mature Mango Fruits cv Gedong Gincu Based on The Changes in Ion Leakage | Acta Horticultura, 1011, ISHS Nov 2013 pp 219-226 |
10 | Y. Aris Purwanto, Putri Wulandari Zainal, Usman Ahmad | Non Destructive Analysis of Internal and External Qualities of mango Fruits during Storage by Hyperspectral Imaging | Acta Horticultura, 1011, ISHS Nov 2013 pp 443-450 |
11 | Betty Sahetapy, Nina Maryana, Syafrida Manuwoto, Kikin H Mutaqin | The Potential Insects Visiting Banana Flower as Vector Blood Disease on Banana Plant | Journal of ISSAAS |
12 | Nurhapsa, Nunung Kusnadi, Kuntjoro, Muhammad Firdaus | The Analysis of farmer risk behaviour and technology application in Potato Farming in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi | Journal of Agricultural Economics-Manuscript ID JAE-OA-05-13-0084 |
13 | Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman, Greet Steenhuis-Broers, Koen Pelgrom, Asep Harpenas, Roland Mumm, Ric C. H. de Vos, Agus Purwito, Richard G.F. Visser, and Roeland Voorrips | QTL mapping of thrips resistance in pepper (Capsicum) in an interspecific cross between C.annuum and C. chinense
Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG) |
14 | M. Syukur | Natural and artificial cross-pollination in chili pepper and correlation with inbreeding depression and heterosis | Breeding Science |
15 | Awang Maharijaya | Managing the Colorado Potato Beetle; The need for Resistance Breeding | Crop Protection |
Publikasi Internasional 2015
No | Judul | Nama Penulis | Nama Jurnal |
1. | Nondestructive Evaluation of Anthocyanin Concentration and Soluble Solid Content at the Vine and Blossom Ends of Green Mature Mangoes during Storage by Hyperspectral Spectroscopy | Yoshio Makino, Aiko Isami, Takehiro Suhara, Kenjiro Goto, Seiichi Oshita, Yoshinori Kawagoe, Shinichiro Kuroki, Yohanes A. Purwanto, Usman Ahmad and Sutrisno | Food Science and Technology Research, 21 (1), 59-65, 2015 |
2. | Mode of action of yeast-like fungus Aureobasidium pullulans in controlling anthrachnose of postharvest chili | Sri Hartati, S Wiyono, SH Hidayat dan Meity S. Sinaga | International J of Science: Basic and Applied Research (IJS BAR), Vol 20 No.2, 2015 |
3. | Managing the Colorado Potato Beetle; the need for resistance breeding | Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman | Euphytica
DOI 10.1007/ s10681-015-1467-3 |
4. | Measurement of starch and soluble solid content in papaya using near
infrared spectroscopy |
Yohanes Aris Purwanto, I. Wayan Budiastra, Emmy Darmawati and Nur Arifiya | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(6):112-116 |
5. | Leaf Trichome Morphology of Durio Kutejensis Landraces from Kalimantan | Priyanti, Tatik Chikmawati , Sobir , and Alex Hartana | Makara J. Sci. 19/1 (2015), 37-42 doi: 10.7454/mss.v19i1.xxxx |
6. | Genetic Diversity of Indonesian Snake Fruits as Food Diversification Resources | Tri Budiyanti , Sri Hadiati, Riry Prihatini , and Sobir | International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology Vol 5(20150 No. 3 |
7. | QTL mapping of thrips resistance in pepper | Awang Maharijaya, Ben Vosman, Greet Steenhuis-Broers, Koen Pelgrom, Agus Purwito, Richard G.F. Visser and Roeland E. Voorrips | Theor Appl Genet (2015) 128:1945–1956 |
Publikasi Internasional 2016
No |
Judul |
Nama Penulis |
Nama Jurnal |
1. |
Variability of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity Among 20 Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. Accessions of Indonesia |
Waras Nurcholis,Nurul Khumaida,Muhammad Syukur,Maria Bintang |
Asian Journal of Biochemistry, ISSN : 1815-9923 |
2. |
Induced Mutation by Gamma rays Irradiation to Increase Chilli Resistance to Begomovirus |
Redy Gaswanto,Muhammad Syukur,Bambang S Purwoko,Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat |
AgrivitaVolume 38 No. 1 |
3. |
Solving Yellow sap Contamination problem in mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) with Ca2+ application based on fruit growth stage |
Odit F Kurniadinata,Susi OS Depari,Roedhy Poerwanto,Darda Efendi,Ade Wachjar |
Communications in Biometry and Crop Science Vol.11, No. 2, 2016 |
4. |
Analysis of Allelic Diversity and Genetic Relationships Among Cultivated Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) in Java, Indonesia Using Microsatellite Markers and Morphological Characters |
Deden Derajat Matra,Roedhy Poerwanto,Edi Santosa,Sobir,Hisao Higashio,Hiroyuki Anzai,Eiichi Inoue |
Tropical Plant Biology March 2016, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp 29–41 |
5. |
Physicochemical differences and sensory profiling of six lai (Durio kutejensis) and four durian (Durio zibethinus) cultivars indigenous Indonesia |
Belgis, M.,Wijaya, C.H. ,Apriyantono, A.,Kusbiantoro, B.,Yuliana, N.D. |
International Food Research Journal Volume 23, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 1466-1473 |
6. |
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory and antihypertensive activities of protein hydrolysate from meat of Kacang goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) |
Mirdhayati, I.,Hermanianto, J.,Wijaya, C.H.,Sajuthi, D.,Arihara, K. |
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 15 August 2016, Pages 3536-3542 |
7. |
Pulasan [(Nephelium ramboutan-ake(labill.) Leenh.] fruit trees : variations in flower morphology and associated differences in pollination type |
Nina Ratna Djuita,Alex Hartana,Tatik Chikmawati,D.Dorly |
International Journal of Plant Biology 2016 Volume 7:6149 |
8. |
The Estimation of Combining Ability and Heterosis Effect for Yield and tield Components in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) at Lowland |
Syarifah Iis aisyah,Sri Wahyuni,Muhammad Syukur,Joko Ridho Witono |
Ekin, Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 2(1):23-29, 2016 |
9. |
Polyploidy Induction of Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume) by Colchicine Treatment on Pollinated Flowers |
TKK Azmi,D. Sukma,SA Aziz,M. Syukur |
The Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 11 No. 2, May 2016, Pp 62-73 |
10 |
Impact of investment incentives on agribusiness and macroeconomy of Indonesia: A computable general equilibrium model |
Suroso, A.I.,Bakce, D.,Firdaus, M. |
Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 16-29 |
11 |
Durio Connatus (Malvaceae), a new species from Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Priyanti,Tatik Chikmawati,Sobir,Alex Hartana |
Phytotaxa 272 (3) : 215-219 |
12 |
Thermal Properties, Crystallinity and Oxygen Permeability of Na-montmorillonite Reinforced Plasticized Poly (lactic acia) Film |
Kurniawan Yuniarto,Y. Aris Purwanto,Setyo Purwanto,Bruce A. Welt, Hadi Karia Purwadaria,Titi Candra Sunarti |
Makara J. Technol 20/1 (2016), 1-6 |
13 |
Infrared and Raman Studies on Polylactide acid and Polyethylene glycol-400 blend |
Kurniawan Yuniarto,Y. Aris Purwanto,Setyo Purwanto,Bruce A. Welt,Hadi Karia Purwadaria,Titi Candra Sunarti |
AIP I Conference Proceedings 1725,020101 (2016) |
14 |
Effect of Low Temperature Storage on The Ripe Stage Eating Period of “gedong Gincu” mango Fruits |
Y. Aris Purwanto,I. Wayan Budiastra,Emmy Darmawati |
ARPN Journal of engineering and Applied Sciences Vol. 11, No. 17, p.10365-10367 (Sept 2016) |
15 |
Variability of Curcuminoid Content and Lack of Correlation with Cytotoxicity in ethanolic extracts from 20 Accessions of Curcuma aeruginosa RoxB |
Waras Nurcholis,Nurul Khumaida,Muhamad Syukur,Maria Bintang |
Asian pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2016; 6(11):887-891 |
16 |
Evaluation of Yield Components of New Sweet Corn Hybrids in Bogor, Indonesia |
Devi Kurnia Aprilianti,Muhamad Syukur,Willy Bayuardi Suwarno |
Journal of Tropical Crop Science Vol. 3 No. 1; February 2016 |
17 |
Inheritance of Fruit Cracking Resistance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) |
Marlina Mustafa,Muhammad Syukur,Surjono Hadi SutjahjoSobir |
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research |
18 |
Combining Trichoderna hamatum THSW13 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BJ10-86: a synergistic chili pepper seed treatment for Phytophthora capsici infested soil |
Philip Pkemei Chemeltorit,Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin,W. Widodo |
European Journal of Plant Pathology Pp 1-10 : 28 June 2016 |
19 |
Differential Effect of Resistance Inducers on The Susceptibility of Lettuce Cultivars to Sclerotiorum and Botrystis Cinerea |
Asti Irawanti Azis,Magali Duffaud,Claire troulet, Brigitte Maisaonneuve,Efi T. Tondok,Suryo Wiyono,Marc Bardin,Philippe Nicot |
Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens Vol. 115, 2016 pp. 191-195 |